2018 is coming to an end and I couldn’t help but reminisce and think about the past year. 2018 started off with a family hike at Friendship Garden in Kaneohe. After Macie’s passing in October 2017 and months of sadness, I was ready to start off 2018 with positivity and excited for a new year.
2018 was jammed packed with trips to outer islands, Philippines and Japan for Aloha Medical Mission, and several trips to the mainland. In 2018 I visited 3 outer islands, 2 countries, and the the mainland 5 times (to California, Texas, and Las Vegas).
My work life was steady. I tried to juggle being a mom to a feisty toddler, selling real estate, and managing our personal properties. I also kept busy with my family and friends. We even welcomed my new brother and sister George and Alysha Wong.
This year was also my 20 year high school reunion from Lake Travis High School. It was eye opening to go back to Texas and see all my peers from 20 years ago.
Halfway through the year we received the devastating news of Spencer’s cancer diagnosis. Luckily we were able to plan and spend the most possible time with him, but unluckily the cancer spread quickly. We laid Spencer to rest the end of August and to this day I am still heartbroken and trying to heal.
Fate didn’t let us slow down in the later part of the year and took us to Hilo, Hawaii. We bought a house there, and Steve started working part time there too.
Today on December 31, 2018 Cruz and I went hiking up Makapuu with our friends. At the very top of the lookout we saw in the distance a small rainbow right above Rabbit Island. We always tell Cruz that Macie and Spencer are in the rainbows. Looking out today at that small rainbow I could feel them there with me.
2018 was definitely a monumental year for me. The death of my best friend Spencer shook me to the core. How do you say goodbye to your best friend? I’ve been trying to answer that question since Spencer passed and still haven’t figure out the answer. I think you never do or I think I never can because I know he’s always here with me. I will keep his memories close to me, I see him in my dreams, and I still feel him around me. So instead of saying goodbye to my best friend, I say, “Goodbye to 2018.”
I am hoping for a less eventful 2019. I’m looking to focus on me, my family, my health, SURF, and anything that makes me happy. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
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